It is said, the move when a senior right sizes their lives from their long time home to one where more of their needs are met, is nearly as stressful as the loss of a family member. It is disrupting their lives, adding that most dreaded thing, change, into their lives. When that time comes please do yourself, and your entire family, a huge favor and seek out professional guidance. There is so much to this new world that most of us have no idea where to turn, what to do, how all this works.
Caring Transitions Indy North works with many professionals in the senior services industries, financial, legal, medical, home health care, senior living and more that we can also help guide you to those who know how to help in so many different ways. From my own experiences we learned most of what we learned by making mistakes that had we known about all these professionals we wouldn't have had to make. So rather than learning by mistake and paying a huge price in not only money, but time, stress and worry, please take full advantage of resources that are out there.
We will soon be starting a traveling road show of these professionals in panel discussions to explain what they do, what they can help you avoid, and how they can help you and your loved ones avoid mistakes and actually have a wonderful experience through the process. This panel discussion road show will be going to several Senior Living Communities, Civic organizations and Clubs. If you have an interest in having them speak at one of your events or meetings please contact me, Jim Morgan at